Does Baldur's Gate 3 Have Cross-Play and Cross-Progression?

Does Baldur’s Gate 3 Have Cross-Play and Cross-Progression?

Baldur’s Gate 3 can be played solo, but it also supports online co-op. And with any game that has multiplayer, there’s always a question of how it can interact with players on other platforms. So does Baldur’s Gate 3 have cross-play or cross-progression?

Is Baldur’s Gate 3 cross-play coming?

Baldur’s Gate 3 is currently only on PC, so it technically doesn’t have cross-play yet. The PS5 version was delayed to September 6 in order to give the team extra time to polish it up, meaning that will be the first chance to test if Baldur’s Gate 3 has true cross-platform play. The Xbox Series X|S port is coming sometime after that, too.

The Steam and GOG versions do talk to each other, though, so PC and Mac players on those two launchers should be able to link up.

More Baldur's Gate 3

Larian Studios has not commented on the possibility of cross-system play, so it’s unclear whether or not it will come to fruition or even launch alongside the PS5 port. Divinity Original Sin 2’s cross-platform play was also rather spotty. Steam, GOG, Mac, and iPad players could play with one another, but PS4, Xbox One, and Switch users were sequestered into their own spaces. Cross-play has become more of a standard now, so it remains to be seen if Larian will move with the times or not, but the lack of an official comment on the subject doesn’t bode well.

Does Baldur’s Gate 3 cross-progression exist?

And while it doesn’t seem like cross-play will exist at least for the near future, Baldur’s Gate 3 cross-progression is, in fact, a supported feature. Using a Larian Account, Larian confirmed that players will be able to move their saves back and forth between PC and PS5 when the latter launches (it will presumably work with Xbox Series X|S down the line, too).

Of course, players will still have to buy each version of the RPG to take full advantage of this feature, so it’s still going to cost those who want to move fluidly between platforms.

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