Is Baldur's Gate 3 Coming to Xbox Game Pass?

Is Baldur’s Gate 3 Coming to Xbox Game Pass?

With all the day-one launches, it would be easy to assume that Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming to Xbox Game Pass. So is Larian Studios’ latest RPG coming to Game Pass?

Has there been a Baldur’s Gate 3 Game Pass announcement?

Baldur’s Gate 3 has not been announced for Game Pass for PC or Xbox Series X|S. The PC version didn’t launch on any subscription service, meaning those who want to play it legally will have to fork over $59.99.

More Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has not been confirmed or denied for Xbox Game Pass, so that is still up in the air. The Xbox Series X|S version still doesn’t even have a release window, much less an exact release date, as Larian is still working on it. The studio cited issues getting split-screen co-op to work on the technically inferior Xbox Series S. Larian has staggering the releases of the game, as PC came out first, PS5 is slated for September, and it sounds like the Xbox Series X|S port might not even be released until sometime in 2024.

Xbox does like to snatch up later ports for Xbox Game Pass, as evidenced by games like Maquette, Toem, Guilty Gear -Strive-, Bugsnax, Ghostwire: Tokyo, and Deathloop, just to name a few, meaning Baldur’s Gate launching on Game Pass isn’t impossible. However, there has been no implication that Larian’s RPG will join those ranks of late ports turned into day-one Game Pass launches.

Larian also hasn’t been a big Game Pass studio, as none of its games have come to the subscription service on PC or Xbox. And, for what it’s worth, the studio also hasn’t put any of its games on PlayStation Plus. The first Divinity Original Sin was on PlayStation Now for a short while, though.

However, to make things even more unclear, it seems as though the first two Baldur’s Gate games are coming to Game Pass. As found by Twitter user SlideBrain, a notification popped up on their phone that mentioned the BioWare RPGs. This premature notification also happened with Shadow Warrior 3 Definitive Edition and Maquette, both of which did make their way to Game Pass. It’s unclear if these are paving the way for the Larian-developed sequel.

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