Report: New Xbox Controller Design Sets Release Date
Image Credit: Xbox

Report: New Xbox Controller Design Sets Release Date

A new Xbox controller design is reportedly on the way and will release sometime next month according to a long-running industry insider.

New design set to launch next month

According to Dealabs member billbil-kun (via VGC), who has a long-running track record of being an accurate insider/leaker, a new Xbox controller called “Stormcloud Vapor” is set to release on August 8, 2023.

The new controller design was originally codenamed “Jemez,” but billbil-kun notes that the controller will be called “Stormcloud Vapor” when it officially releases.

The report also mentions that the new wireless controller will cost $69.99 when it releases, which doesn’t deviate from the normal price of Xbox controllers. Billbil-kun’s report speculates that the new controller could be a limited-edition Forza Motorsport controller, since the upcoming racing game will be released in October, and Xbox tends to release themed accessories a bit earlier than the games.

However, the controller that was released alongside Forza Horizon 5 last year sported a higher cost ($74.99), so it’s unknown whether or not this “Stormcloud Vapor” controller will be tied to any game, or simply just a new colorway for fans and collectors to get their hands on.

Microsoft is no stranger to releasing new colors and variants of its iconic controller, with the limited edition Starfield controller being the most recent.

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