Red Dead Redemption: John Martson on a dirt road.
Image via RDR2 Mods.

Red Dead Redemption Remaster More Likely as Evidence Mounts

Additional clues are cropping up regarding the original Red Dead Redemption and how it may be getting a remaster, including a possible hint from publisher Take-Two Interactive.

An announcement could be imminent

As of now, there is additional evidence suggesting that Red Dead Redemption is possibly getting revived. A report from PlayStation LifeStyle links to a number of sources that say the Wild West RPG is getting a remaster at some point.

Twitter user and RDR content deliverer videotechx has unveiled some information from Take-Two, which has been lifted from the company’s fiscal plans for 2024. The tweet itself says that the publisher is looking to “launch two new iterations of previously-released titles” in 2024.

While it’s difficult to confirm this information, former IGN writer Colin Moriarty said on his Sacred Symbols podcast that someone “behind the scenes” had been in touch with him to confirm that a remaster of Red Dead Redemption is imminent.

Moriarty says the person who confirmed the information wished to remain anonymous, but something was shown to the podcast host which “definitively shows that this game is coming,” possibly with an announcement being made this August.

Just last week, it was reported that the Korean ratings board had listed the game, heavily suggesting the 2010 Rockstar release was due for a comeback. In what capacity, we could not say at the time, but now it definitely sounds like it’s going to be a remaster.

As of now, there is still no official word from Take-Two or Rockstar Games on whether Red Dead Redemption is officially being revived. If it is true (and it sounds like it could be), we can only hope that it doesn’t disappoint the way Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy did.

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