Harvest Moon Nintendo Switch Online

Nintendo Switch Online June 2023 Update Adds Harvest Moon, a Kirby Game, and More

The June 2023 update has added four games to the Nintendo Switch Online collection, including Harvest Moon on SNES and Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble on Game Boy Color. However, as Harvest Moon has been part of Japan’s Super Famicom library since last year, they’ll be getting Baseball Simulator 1.000 on NES instead.

Here are the four new Nintendo Switch Online games for June 2023

Blaster Master: Enemy Below joins Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble in the Game Boy Color library, while Harvest Moon takes pride of place in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System collection. Completing the quartet is Mystery Tower on Nintendo Entertainment System; otherwise known as Tower of Babel, this game has been released outside of Japan for the very first time in nearly 37 years. All of these games are available came to Nintendo Switch Online on June 5.

Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble made use of a built-in accelerometer when originally released on Game Boy Color. The Nintendo Switch version also makes use of motion controls as players propel their favorite pink blob through Dreamland in a bid to collect all of the stars.

The remaining three games all use more conventional control schemes. In Mystery Tower, players need to solve puzzles and rearrange the blocks of the Tower of Babel in a bid to reach the top floor to find the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Meanwhile, Blaster Master: Enemy Below tasks Jason and his highly-maneuverable SOPHIA tank with eliminating a plethora of enemies from subterranean regions.

Finally, Harvest Moon was the very beginning of the farming simulator franchise that is still going 27 years later. Taking on the role of a man who has inherited an abandoned farm from his grandfather, players must restore the land to its former glory by planting crops, raising animals, and foraging for items to sell, as well as forging relationships with the local villagers.

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