Six Days in Fallujah Early Access Release Date Set for Controversial Shooter

Six Days in Fallujah Early Access Release Date Set for Controversial Shooter

The Six Days in Fallujah early access release date has been set, with developer Highwire Games announcing the news for the highly controversial first-person shooter.

When does Six Days in Fallujah’s early access begin?

According to a recent trailer for the game, the Six Days in Fallujah early access release date has been set for June 22, 2023, on Steam. In the trailer, a group of soldiers are interviewed in between footage of the game, which showcases the adaptation of The Battle of Fallujah, a real-life conflict that occurred throughout 2004.

Check out the trailer for Six Days in Fallujah below:

Six Days in Fallujah was conceived of by a Marine who was badly wounded during The Battle of Fallujah, and developed in conjunction with “more than 100 Marines, Soldiers, and Iraqi civilians.”

The game was initially announced way back in 2009 and almost immediately was surrounded by controversy due to the setting and appropriateness of the subject matter, which seemingly led to a halt on the game’s release. It was then re-revealed in February 2021.”

However, in 2021, it was announced that Victura had contracted Highwire to work on the game and finish it, leading to even more controversy. Since its development announcement, critics have called out the game for “trivializing” the actual victims of the battle, appearing to gloss over Iraqi perspectives, whitewashing the conflict, and acting as propaganda.

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