Minecraft Update 1.20 Trails and Tales Release Date, Patch Details Revealed

Minecraft Update 1.20 Trails and Tales Release Date, Patch Details Revealed

The highly anticipated Minecraft update 1.20 officially has a release date, with Mojang announcing it will arrive next month.

What’s new in the Minecraft Trails and Tales update?

The Minecraft 1.20 update, officially dubbed “Trails and Tales,” will release on Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition on June 7, 2023, and will officially be the 1.20 update for the game. The new update will introduce a new biome into Minecraft in the form of the cherry grove.

The new rare biome is filled with cherry blossom trees, which can be harvested down or simply enjoyed as you explore the new area.

New mobs are also being added to the game, including the Sniffer, a mob that won the Minecraft Live Mob Vote to be included in the game. These new creatures can be found via eggs in the game and will hatch and grow from snifflet’s to full-grown sniffers. Once fully grown, these animals will help players find the newly added ancient seeds, which can be used to grow new plants.

Of course, the massive update will also include new areas to explore that continue to flesh out the overarching lore of Minecraft’s in-game stories.

Other changes also include the fact that players can now build with new wood types (bamboo and cherry), and camels have been added into the game as a ridable mob. A new feature, archelogy, is also available in the game, allowing players to dig around the sand to find buried runes and treasures via the newly added brush tool.

Along with treasures and ruins, players can also stumble upon items that will let them build pots with their own unique patterns to collect and display.

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