The Marvels Disney Plus release date coming out on Disney+
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The Marvels Disney Plus Release Date: When Is It Coming Out via Streaming?

The release of the first trailer for upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movie The Marvels has everybody wondering what the Disney Plus release date will be. Starring Brie Larson, Iman Vellani, and Teyonah Parris, here’s what we know about when The Marvels is coming out the streaming service.

What is the release date for The Marvels on Disney Plus?

There is currently no official release date for The Marvels on Disney Plus. The movie will be released in theaters on November 10, 2023.

If we look back at the theatrical windows for recent MCU movies and their arrivals on Disney+, we can make some predictions as to when The Marvels will arrive on the streaming platform. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, for example, arrived on Disney Plus 82 days after its theatrical debut, which could mean The Marvels will begin streaming on or around January 31, 2024.

However, some disappointing news surrounding Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania’s Disney Plus release date may have an effect on The Marvels’ debut. Marvel Studios announced that Ant-Man 3 would be released “ONLY on digital” on April 18. This is the first time since Disney+ launched that an MCU movie has been promoted in such a way. It may mean that Marvel films coming to the platform are going to take longer than ever before, to push digital and physical sales instead.

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