moana live action remake release date rumors when is it coming out

Moana Live-Action Remake Release Date Rumors and When Is It Coming Out?

The Moana live-action remake has been officially announced by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who revealed that the new movie is now being worked on. But when is its release date and when is it coming out? Here’s what we know.

When is the Moana live-action remake coming out?

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stopped short of announcing a Moana live-action release date during the announcement video posted on April 3, 2023. The wrestler-turned-actor said that the film is still “very early in the process,” so it will be a while yet until we see it on our screens.

The announcement can be viewed below:

Disney has released a slew of live-action remakes of its most famous films, including The Little Mermaid that is set to be released later this year. Moana will be the company’s most recent remake, with it typically tackling its classic library of films such as The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast.

Judging by the announcement video, it looks like Dwayne Johnson will be reprising his role as Maui, though the rest of the cast has yet to be revealed. Additionally, it’s unclear exactly what the film will look like, save for it being live-action — could we see The Rock with flowing locks?

Dwayne Johnson announced the film from O’ahu in Hawaii, alongside his two daughters. The Rock called it a “reimagining” of the 2016 film, with it featuring its colorful cast of characters returning to the big screen once again.

In other Disney news, here’s all that we know about the rumored Frozen 3 release date and the Zootopia 2 release date.

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