Return to Silent Hill

Return to Silent Hill Cast and Plot Confirmed, Filming Starts Next Month

Horror reboot Return to Silent Hill now has a main cast and plot synopsis, along with confirmation of when the filming officially starts.

Return to Silent Hill Cast

  • Jeremy Irvine plays James.
  • Hannah Emily Anderson plays his “one true love.”

Jeremy Irvine and Hannah Emily Anderson will lead the cast of the video game adaptation, with Irvine playing James and Anderson playing his “one true love.”

The movie is taking story inspiration from Silent Hill 2, and as such will likely pull a lot of plot beats from that game.

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Return to Silent Hill Synopsis

Deadline reports that the synopsis is as follows:

The film will follow James, a man broken after being separated from his own true love. When a mysterious letter calls him back to Silent Hill in search of her, he finds a once-recognizable town transformed by an unknown evil. As James descends deeper into the darkness, he encounters terrifying figures both familiar and new, and begins to question his own sanity as he struggles to make sense of reality and hold on long enough to save his lost love’

Filming will start on the film next month in Germany and Eastern Europe, with Christophe Gans returning to the franchise. Gans originally directed the first Silent Hill movie.

This news comes after Konami commits to the Silent Hill franchise in the long term, with several new games announced including a Silent Hill 2 remake, several brand new titles, and a collaboration with Annapurna Interactive.

In other gaming news, Ghostwire Tokyo is coming to Xbox Game Pass, and Pokemon fans are playing a new Pokemon fan title.

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