Conker's Bad Fur Day: The Great Mighty Poo towering over Conker.

The Great Mighty Poo From Conker’s Bad Fur Day Gets a Statue

Back in the days of the Nintendo 64, Conker’s Bad Fur Day was a heavy mix of cute aesthetics and crude humor, and now one of the game’s most iconic villains is being made into a collectible statue.

Literally a crappy piece of memorabilia

First 4 Figures, a company that specializes in video game and other pop culture figurines, has announced that The Great Mighty Poo will soon be yours to keep on your desk.

A brief teaser of the upcoming statue of the huge pile of singing feces shows it towering over Conker, the titular protagonist from Conker’s Bad Fur Day. According to the description under this video, the memorabilia will be available to preorder in a few days.

Older gamers will get a kick out of this statue, which comes with a good amount of detail, including the Mighty Poo’s sweetcorn teeth, goopy-looking texture, and even a roll of toilet paper entering his mouth.

Considered a classic game of the N64 era, Conker’s Bad Fur Day was part of the heyday of Rare (the team behind the iconic GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark). It offered something that no other game had back then, especially on a Nintendo console, with British, risqué humor wrapped up in family-friendly visuals.

Featuring adult content, including the ability to get drunk and urinate on fire monsters, as well as do battle against an opera-singing pile of crap, Conker’s Bad Fur Day holds a special place in a lot of people’s hearts. It’s just a shame we’ll probably never see a follow-up to this N64 gem.

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