The Outlast Trials: night vision view of someone being attacked by a stun baton.
Image via Red Barrels/Steam.

Outlast Trials Sales Hit Impressive Milestone

Horror is very much alive and well in the gaming world, evidenced by the fact that Outlast Trials, the third entry in the terrifying Outlast series, has managed to sell a million units. It’s worth stating that the game is still in early access, so this milestone is equally impressive.

The developer is not resting on its laurels

In an interview with DualShockers, Philippe Morin, co-founder of Outlast studio Red Barrels, said this pretty immense sales number was reached last week. However, the work is not done yet, as he adds that the team still need to “create a s**t-ton of content.”

Morin goes on to say that there have been “a lot of ups and downs” during the development of The Outlast Trials, one of which being the pandemic of 2020.

The game has only been out for two months, so selling one million copies in that time is no small feat, especially for a more indie studio.

Following feedback during testing, Red Barrels tweaked some of the mechanics of the game. For example, environments became more “modular” in which each level is “essentially a movie set where the pieces can be moved around and reordered.”

Whatever the dev team has been doing has evidently paid off. As well as these recent sales figures, Outlast Trials is currently sitting pretty with a score of “Very Positive” on Steam.

Although Trials deviates from the previous Outlast games – by putting focus on multiplayer rather than single player – the results seem to speak for themselves. Even though it’s still in early access, Red Barrels has done a good job of things so far, and it sounds like there’s more to come.

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