Is Starfield coming to Xbox Series S

Will Starfield Be on Xbox Series S?

Fans are wondering if Starfield will be on Xbox Series S due to the game’s hefty system requirements. The budget console has caught flak for its relatively weak specs compared to its big brother, the Series X, and some have alleged that it’s holding Microsoft back from developing games to their full potential. We’ll take a look at whether Starfield will release on Series S and if any of these accusations are valid below.

Will Starfield be on Xbox Series S?

Starfield will release on Xbox Series S on September 6 (September 1 for Early Access) alongside the Series X and PC versions. It’ll be locked to 1440p at 30 fps (as opposed to 4K at 30 fps for the Series X), but there are no other details about whether the graphics will be downgraded otherwise compared to the Series X.

There have been accusations that Bethesda is locking the Series X version of the game to 30 fps for no reason to maintain parity with the Series S. We’ll have to wait for the game to release to see if this is true, but it’s a compelling argument. The Series S has a weaker GPU compared to the Xbox One X, which preceded it. The faster CPU and solid-state storage of the Series S help make up for this, but on paper, the Series S isn’t much more powerful than a last-gen console.

So, Starfield is coming to Xbox Series S, but it’ll likely be the worst way to play the game. Those who want to experience it in top fidelity should move to the Series X or a gaming PC. Nevertheless, despite the lower performance, the affordability and accessibility of the Series S cannot be ignored, thus still making it a viable option for those unable to upgrade.

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