Lies of P Pre-Order

Pre-order Lies of P: Price, Bonus Items, Editions, and More

Lies of P is now available for pre-order on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, and comes in four different versions. There are also pre-order bonuses, and quite a few differences between the standard, deluxe, and collector’s editions. Fortunately, we’ve got all that info, including pricing, below.

Lies of P pre-order guide

Lies of P is availble to pre-order right now on Amazon, the PS Store, Xbox Store, and Steam:

The “Mischievous Puppet’s Set” outfit comes with the digital standard edition, while the “Great Venigni’s Set” outfit, a unique mask, and access to the game three days early come with the deluxe edition. The physical version comes with a 92-page artbook and an exclusive collector’s box that looks like a SteelBook tome. Bonus digital items include the original soundtrack, “The Great Venigni’s Set” outfit, and a unique mask to wear to the festival.

More Lies of P

When is the pre-order date?

You can pre-order Lies of P right now at the links above. The game will release on September 19, 2023, and there’s a demo available now on all platforms.

The details of Lies of P’s plot are still shrouded in mystery, but here’s what we know so far:

“In Lies of P, a humanoid puppet named Pinocchio awakens in an abandoned train station in the city of Krat, surrounded by disorder and insanity. To become a man, Pinocchio must locate his creator, Master Geppetto, and overcome the disaster that has befallen the city.”

Check out more pre-order guides here.

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