AEW: Fight Forever Release Date, Pricing Details Announced

AEW: Fight Forever Pre-order Bonus Includes 2 Versions of Matt Hardy

After announcing its release date earlier this week, THQ Nordic GmbH has revealed the pre-order bonuses for AEW: Fight Forever ahead of its release on June 29, 2023 on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. 

What are the AEW: Fight Forever Pre-Order bonuses?

For those looking to pick up the game early on consoles, plays will be able to secure two playable characters, Matt Hardy and the “Broken” Matt Hardy, a version of the character from a different storyline in his career. No information on whether or not PC players will be able to access the character was made, however, so this is strictly for console players as of now.

Check out a pre-order trailer, featuring Matt Hardy portraying “Broken” Matt Hardy, below:

Alongside the news of the pre-order bonuses, THQ Nordic and AEW have also announced what will come in the game’s “Elite Edition,” which retails for $79.99 and will include the following bonuses:

  • Early Access (24-hour/available Wednesday, June 28)
  • Matt Hardy and Broken Matt Hardy roster additions
  • Six more amazing AEW in-game roster wrestlers: Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler, The Bunny, Keith Lee, HOOK and Danhausen
  • PLUS four mini-games inspired by the biggest wrestlers in AEW

AEW Fight Forever will feature a ton of things wrestling game fans have come to low, including a career mode known as “Road to Elite,” online co-op, tag team matches, wrestler customization, daily and weekly challenges, over 40 weapons, and “signature AEW arenas” and modes like Casino Battle Royale, Falls Count Anywhere, Unsanctioned Lights Out, and Exploding Barbed Wire.

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