Starfield Xbox Controller

Starfield Controller and Headset Leak Ahead of Xbox Showcase

A Starfield Xbox controller and wireless headset have leaked ahead of the Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct on June 11. Currently codenamed Ogden and Orren, little is known about their appearance aside from being themed around the game’s color scheme.

The Starfield controller and headset may be released worldwide

The Starfield Xbox controller and headset likely won’t be U.S. exclusives, at least according to noted insider billbil-kun on Dealabs. Both accessories may also release in Europe. The controller is expected to be priced at €74.99/$79.99, while the wireless headset will be more expensive at €124.99/$124.99.

The sources claim both the controller and headset are planned to be shown during the Xbox Games Showcase, which will then be followed by a Starfield Direct. They could even release on June 11 — the same day as the showcase — despite the game itself not being out until September 6. While the accessories will sport Starfield colors, their full appearance and other technical details are unknown for now.

Multiple images which purport to be the official controller have surfaced over the months. One that first originated on Imgur showed a predominantly white controller with Starfield colors surrounding the Xbox button, with gray details similar to a spaceship control panel. The red back also had white detailing visible even in the battery compartment. As billbil-kun noted, it’s not clear where that image came from and if it will be the same one as the official one that’s reportedly in the works.

If the leak is accurate, we’ll be able to get our first glimpse of the Starfield controller and headset during the showcase, which starts at 10 a.m. PT on June 11 on the Xbox YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook channels.

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