Facebook Settlement Check Scam

Is the Facebook Settlement Check a Scam?

Here is the need-to-know info about the Facebook settlement check, as well as information on whether or not it’s a scam.

Is the Facebook settlement check real or a scam?

The Facebook settlement check is not a scam. It is very much real and US users can now apply for a (very small) share of the $725 million owed.

It’s important that users submit their information at the appropriate website, however, as entering personal details into other websites can result in hacking, identity theft, and other problems, so be wary!

Here is the official settlement form link.

Once completed, users will need to wait until the final approval hearing scheduled for September 7, Following that, payments should be made.

How much can I get from the Facebook settlement check?

Users will receive a share of the $725 million based on how many months they had a Facebook account during the time period relevant to the lawsuit.

The exact amount depends on how much time users spent on the app and how many choose to apply for the settlement money.

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