Can People See Who Viewed Their TikTok

Can People See Who Viewed Their TikTok? (2023)

Here is the need-to-know info about whether or not people can see who viewed their TikTok profile and videos in 2023.

Can people see who looked at their TikTok videos?

No, people can’t see who viewed their TikTok videos or profile in 2023.

At the time of writing, it’s only possible for creators to see how many views their videos have got. The only want to know who exactly has seen a video is through the comments.

If a user has commented on a video, it’s highly likely that they have watched it. At the very least, they’ll have seen the beginning of the video.

If a user follows you on TikTok, then it’s also likely that they have checked out your profile and content.

For those hoping to find out everyone who has watched your video, I’m afraid that isn’t yet possible. It’s a statistic that is kept private from the general user base.

With websites like LinkedIn sharing who has viewed your profile, it is possible that TikTok may eventually adopt the same approach. For now, however, outside of comments and follows, it’s not yet possible.

For more TikTok guides, here’s how to work out your golden birthday. And here are the best “TikTok made me buy it” products of 2023.

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