Epic Games Store Game Release Time

Epic Games Store: What Time Do PC Games Release and Come Out?

Those wondering “What time do PC games release on the Epic Games Store?” will find the best answer below. Here’s when the EGS refreshes with new games in PT, ET, GMT, BST, CET, CEST, and AET time zones.

What time do PC games release on the Epic Games Store?

PC games usually release on the Epic Games Store at the following times:

  • 9 AM PT
  • 12 PM ET
  • 4 PM GMT
  • 5 PM BST
  • 5 PM CET
  • 6 PM CEST
  • 2 AM AET (Next day)

While these times are generally accurate for most games, there have been instances where games launch before or after these times. It seems developers and publishers can have an influence on the launch time, rather than it coming down to the Epic Games Store itself.

The above times are also when the free Epic Games titles refresh. It seems that these times are the default for all games and are changed at the request of a developer or publisher.

When you’re waiting for a PC game to launch, keep the above times in mind, but also be aware that a new game could launch at a different time.

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Upcoming Releases

In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.
Inspired by the familiar story of Pinocchio, Lies of P is an action souls-like game set in a dark Belle Époque world. Guide Pinocchio on his unrelenting journey to become human.
After a strange incident, the Phantom Thieves wander into a bizarre realm where its citizens are living under tyrannical oppression. Surrounded by a military group named Legionnaires, they find themselves in grave danger until a mysterious revolutionary named Erina rescues them and offers an enticing deal in exchange for their help. What truth lies behind Erina and the deal she…
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 is a unique blend of FPS, immersive sim and horror with a really thick atmosphere. One of the biggest open-worlds to date is yours to explore — along with an epic branching story with multiple endings. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. stands for (Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers).
