Oshi no Ko episode 3 release date time HIDIVE

Oshi no Ko Episode 3 Release Date and Time on HIDIVE

Anime fans are enjoying the latest addition to the spring slate, and are wondering when the Oshi no Ko episode 3 release date and time on HIDIVE will be. Originally written as a manga by Aka Akasaka with illustrations by Mengo Yokoyari, the story has proved to be a popular one. Having kicked things off with a feature-length 90-minute episode, it has kept audiences glued to the screen. Here’s what we know about when Oshi no Ko episode 3 is coming out.

When is the release date and time for Oshi no Ko episode 3?

Oshi no Ko episode 3 will be released on HIDIVE on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET / 4 PM GMT.

Japanese idol Ai Hoshino is without her gynecologist Gorou Amemiya, after he was murdered by a mysterious man stalking the star. Now reincarnated as her son Aquamarine, he has a fraternal twin called Ruby who is also a reincarnation, but refuses to reveal her original identity.

The voice cast includes Rie Takahashi as Ai, and Yumi Uchiyama, Kento Ito, and Takeo Otsuka sharing voice acting duties for her son Aquamarine.

For other anime guides, check out the release date and time for Hell’s Paradise Episode 4 on Crunchyroll, and find out whether you can stream and watch the new Pokemon anime Pokemon Horizons online.

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