One Piece Episode 1059 Release Date and Time on Crunchyroll

The One Piece episode 1059 release date and time will follow the normal weekly schedule. For the next three weeks at the very least, Toei Animation will not be taking a hiatus, so it looks like the anime is back on track without any interruptions. If you’re a fan of the One Piece manga, we’re right around Chapter 1040 or so, but we won’t spoil anything just in case you’re not caught up yet or if you only watch the animation. Here’s when to expect Episode 1059 to arrive for free on Crunchyroll.

What is the One Piece episode 1059 release date and time?

In the US, One Piece episode 1059 will release on April 22 in simultaneous casting on Crunchyroll. Japan will get the episode 30 minutes earlier, but every other timezone can watch it at the following release times:

  • 4/15 at 6 PM PST (US Pacific)
  • 4/15 at 9 PM EST (US Easter)
  • 4/16 at 2 AM BST (UK)
  • 4/16 at 3 AM CEST (Europe)
  • 4/16 at 9:30 AM JST (Japan)

Episode 1059 will be directed by Yusuke Suzuki and will have the title “Zoro’s Hardship – A Monster! King the Wildfire.” As you might suspect, Roronoa Zoro is still dealing with King after promising Sanji to take him down if he becomes anything like his heartless Germa brothers. King is putting up a tough fight, but it’s hopefully nothing that Zoro can’t handle by himself.

For more guides on anime and manga, here is the release date and time for Chapter 1081 and whether you can stream the new Pokemon anime Pokemon Horizons Online.

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