Starfield Launch Trailer
Image via Bethesda

Starfield Release Date Trailer Has Snippets of New Gameplay

Starfield‘s official launch trailer has just been released, confirming the game’s delayed release to be locked in for September 6, 2023, announced in tandem with an upcoming Starfield Direct event, arriving in June.

Starfield trailer confirms September launch date, a June Direct, and teases gameplay

Todd Howard features in the latter half of the game’s cinematic launch trailer, thanking fans for their patience, with some sneak peeks at the first and third-person gameplay and development snippets. Confirmation of a dedicated Starfield Direct is revealed at the end of the video for June 11, 2023, where we’ll likely get the full lowdown on gameplay, story, and more.

Originally expected to be launching in November of 2022, Starfield has been the victim of a number of delays, with Bethesda reasoning the longer wait to be in favor of supporting a healthy launch for their most ambitious title, while rumors concerning development being in “rough shape” circulated in January of this year.

Given Redfall’s delay also being pushed into May to avoid both it and Starfield becoming “the next Cyberpunk”, Bethesda has likely been on the back foot, necessitating the latter half of the 2023 release window to accommodate the final stages of development.

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