Xbox Elite Series 2 Core

Xbox Elite Series 2 Core Controller Release Date Revealed, Pre-orders Go Live

Microsoft is giving players even more options for premium controllers by announcing the Xbox Elite Series 2 Core in white, at a more affordable price point for gamers who don’t need much customization. Compared to the standard Xbox Elite Series 2 controller, which is now available in black at $179.99, the Core version is only $129.99 and comes with a pre-built set of features. Pre-orders for this streamlined controller, which has a release date of September 21, are available now.

Xbox Elite Series 2 Core features

Xbox Elite Series 2 Core

Here’s a short list of what comes with the Core controller:

  • White body color
  • Wrap-around rubberized grips
  • Adjustable-tension thumbsticks
  • Shorter hair trigger locks
  • Button-mapping options through the Xbox Accessories app
  • USB-C cable
  • 1-year limited warranty

By comparison, the standard Xbox Elite Series 2 comes with premium interchangeable parts so that you can adjust the controller on the fly. This includes a set of medium and mini paddles, thumbsticks that come in dome, tall, or classic shapes, an additional regular D-pad, a charging dock, and a carrying case to house all of the components.

That said, a good amount of users don’t want to fuss with how to customize a premium controller, so the Core version gives them that option. It also doesn’t lock users out of customizing the Core controller in the future, since a Complete Component Pack that comes with all the mentioned parts for $59.99 (also releasing on September 21 and available for pre-order) can be purchased separately.

Players who want even more customization for the Xbox Elite Series 2 controller will only need to wait until the holiday season. At that time, Microsoft plans to bring the premium controller to Xbox Design Lab, which allows for even further personalization. Currently, the Xbox Design Lab can be used to customize regular Xbox Series controllers, allowing for cool metallic paints and camo patterns for the body, rubberized grips, alternately-colored face buttons, and a laser-engraved message of up to 16 characters.

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