Lies of P

Lies of P Coming to Xbox Game Pass

It looks like Lies of P will be making its way to Xbox Game Pass, according to a photo posted on Twitter by Aaron Greenberg, the GM of Xbox Games Marketing. Greenberg posted numerous pictures of the Xbox booth at Gamescom 2022, and zooming in one of them reveals a banner that includes Lies of P right next to an Xbox Game Pass logo.

What we know about Lies of P so far

Seeing Lies of P be associated with the Xbox brand isn’t too surprising since Microsoft revealed earlier that the game would be showcased at the Xbox booth along with many other games. In the top-left photograph in the last tweet posted above, you can see the Lies of P station between those for A Plague Tale: Requiem and The Last Case of Benedict Fox. We anticipate more details of the game to be revealed at Gamescom 2022’s Opening Night Live.

As previously reported on our sister site PlayStation LifeStyle, Lies of P is a Souls-like game from Neowiz and Round 8 Studios that features Pinocchio and Geppetto set in a gruesomely dark world during the Belle Epoque era. A trailer featuring alpha gameplay footage (posted below) shows Pinocchio slashing and burning foes in streets and alleyways that Bloodborne fans will appreciate. The game is still likely planned for PS5, PC, and Xbox Series S|X, but its tie to Xbox Game Pass will probably mean that it won’t be available on other streaming platforms like PlayStation Plus at least for a limited time.

Greenberg also shares many more pictures of the Xbox Booth in Hall 8, which will have 36 stations featuring other games like Obsidian’s Pentiment, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Inkulinati, and You Suck at Parking. Microsoft will begin its six-hour livestream of the Xbox Booth on Thursday, August 25, at 5 AM PT / 8 AM ET that will include gameplay footage and developer interviews from Mojang Studios, Xbox Game Studios, and World’s Edge.

In other news, Twitch Partner Exclusivity rules have changed so that partners can stream on Facebook, YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram, and the PGA Tour 2K23 gameplay trailer has been criticized by fans over dated graphics.

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In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.
Inspired by the familiar story of Pinocchio, Lies of P is an action souls-like game set in a dark Belle Époque world. Guide Pinocchio on his unrelenting journey to become human.
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